Speaker Center
Promote Your Session
Promoting Your Session
Letting people know about your session is a great way to build the audience for it. Here are some tips for getting started:
#DevLearn—the Conference Hashtag
If you’re talking about the conference on social media, be sure to use the conference hashtag, #DevLearn, to get more eyes on what you’re sharing. Also, as we get closer to the event, try checking into what people are sharing with the hashtag and get involved in conversations and questions before the conference even begins.
Session Videos
Spark interest and excitement for your DevLearn session with our new, user-friendly platform for submitting teaser videos! This year, it’s easier than ever to generate buzz around your participation. Simply click here to get started and the platform will guide you through the quick process; it will only take a few minutes. Get creative, highlight takeaways and your expertise, and invite your network to join you at DevLearn 2024.
If you have any questions, reach out to [email protected] for guidance.
Speaker Badges and Logos
We have a number of logos and badges available below that you can use in blog posts, social media posts, email signatures, and other areas to promote your session. If you use these images, please ensure that you maintain the image aspect ratio and prevent them from appearing pixelated.
By using these logos and images, you agree to the following terms of use:
- If you resize these images, you must maintain the aspect ratio and ensure that the images aren’t pixelated.
- Please link to the DevLearn 2024 Conference & Expo homepage, using this link: devlearn.com/speakers
Conference Logo
800-pixel PNG
(Click image for full size)
Speaker Badge
(Click image for full size)
Learning Guild Logo
800-pixel PNG
(Click image for full size)